
Exam preparation for the Cambridge ESOL (Level: B2-C2)
Cambridge ESOL examinations are recognized throughout the world as evidence of proficient language skills.

MHC Zertifikat

Exam preparation for the ILEC (International Legal Certificate)
Preparation for the language examination focused on jurisprudence: for lawyers, interns and university students as well as for all other professional groups in business and law.
Recognized worldwide by all leading bar associations.

Exam preparation for the ICFE (International Certificate in Financial English)
Recognized worldwide by all leading financial institutions.

Wien Holding GmbH

I look back on years of excellent cooperation with MHC Business Language Training. The high quality of the training and the extreme flexibility of the trainers and their training options have been tried and tested for the various needs of our employees at Vienna Holding Company. Mark Heather and his team always strive for our satisfaction as well as the best possible results in our language courses.

Mag. Peter Krauss
HR Management