Course Organisation

Before the course

Before every course we assess the language levels of your staff as well as their expectations for the course. The desired course emphasis and content is subsequently defined in collaboration with your HR Department via face-to-face or telephone discussions. Selection of the most suitable trainers, course organization, and the definition of criteria for success conclude the preparation phase.

  • Needs analysis
  • Placement tests
  • Defining course content
  • Trainer selection
  • Setting course goals
  • Success criteria

During the course

During the course the trainers use a motivating teaching style, leading to systematic success. The emphasis is on industry-specific vocabulary and on fluency. Constant trainer feedback helps your HR to stay informed about course progress and course quality.

  • Motivating teaching methods
  • Learning by doing
  • Business expert trainers
  • Native Speakers & fluency
  • Industry-specific vocabulary
  • Tailored grammar

After the course

After the course the trainers provide course reports on the group and each of the participants. Participant feedback is forwarded to HR and all relevant persons. Once the participants conclude their course, they receive a certificate stating the CEFR level they were taught at.

  • Course reports
  • Participant feedback
  • Course evaluation for HR
  • Determining future training needs
  • CEFR-level certification


The reward at the end of each course.