Skupiny majú veľmi dobré zloženie, sú vyrovnané a ponúkajú účastníkom možnosť zlepšovať sa takým spȏsobom, aký by za iných okolností asi nebol možný. Lektori sú sympatickí a naši zamestnanci zažili veľa zábavy v jednotlivých kurzoch. Obsahy sú sprostredkované zaujímavo a sú individuálne prisposôbené potrebám účastníkov. Listy so slovíčkami sú doplnené príkladmi a frázami a prispievajú tak k zrozumiteľnosti. Ďakujeme! Srdečné blahoželanie a prosíme takto pokračovať!
Business Communication Skills
Intensive English Course
Southampton, England
With our partner, Lewis School of English, MHC Business Language Training offers intensive Business English courses in Southampton, on the south coast of England, a short 50 min. trip from London.
Experience learning English in a fullimmersion environment combining language instruction with activities such as playing golf with your trainer.
Business Skills
- giving dynamic presentations
- explaining statistics clearly
- negotiating and closing deals
- taking part and leading meetings
- making small-talk with clients
- communicating by phone or email
- making conversation with partners
- taking a client to a restaurant
- discussing current business issues
- tele- and video conferencing
Optional Activities
- play golf with your trainer
- take a golf lesson
- swim in the local olympic pool
- work out at the fitness centre
- go on an excursion to London
- visit Winchester or Oxford
- eat out at a restaurant
- go to a theatre performance
- tour the old historic city
- watch Premier League Southampton F.C.

Jurys Inn Hotel
- comfortable rooms
- 5 min. walk to the school
- 5 min. walk from Quays Leisure Centre
- Quays swimming, diving and fitness
- air-conditioning
- wifi internet access